Contemporary Indigenous Arts in the Classroom

Pages: 1 Director’s Foreword Alexandra Badzak, 2 Introduction Stephanie Nadeau, 6 On Jaime Koebel by David Garneau (with glossary of terms), 10 David Garneau bio, 11 Images Jaime Koebel, 14 Lesson Plan Superhero Plant Trading Cards, 23 Worksheet Superhero Plant Trading Cards Worksheet (with examples), 26 On Barry Ace by Wahsontiio Cross (with glossary of terms), 29 Wahsontiio Cross bio, 31 Images Barry Ace, 38 Lesson Plan (re)Mapping Place, 46 Worksheet (re)Mapping Place, 50 Selected Further Reading, 54 Acknowledgements
File Type: pdf
Categories: Art Intergration Lessons, Teacher Resources
Tags: Canada, Contemporary, Makers Kit, Math, Metis, Photography, Ravenstail, Vocabulary, Worksheet
Author: David Garneau, Doug Dumais, Stephanie Nadeau, Wahsontiio Cross