Skin Sewing by Hand

<b>Dec. 5-8</b> Hoonah Skin Sewing Workshop

Skin Sewing by Hand Workshop

When: Dec. 5-8
Instructor: Louise Kadinger
Cost: $100 

SHI, in partnership with Huna Heritage Foundation, will sponsor a hand skin-sewing workshop in Hoonah taught by Louise Kadinger. For this workshop, SHI provides a sea otter hide at a $450 value for each participant as well as patterns and basic supplies. Beaver hide will be given to those who don’t meet blood quantum requirements imposed by the federal government. Participants will learn how to make a pillbox hat, keyhole scarf, or a malagg’aayaq (trapper style hat). SHI will provide all tools and supplies.

In accordance with the Marine Mammal Protection Act, use of sea otter hide is limited to those with 1/4 Alaska Native blood quantum or greater and with a copy of their Certificate of Indian Blood issued by the Bureau of Indian Affairs or Tribal I.D. card issued by a federally recognized Alaska Native Tribe. *Space is limited, there are only 15 spots for this class. To confirm your spot, you must complete the application and pay the fee.
