Beginning Carving: Rattles

When: December 16-22
Instructor: Kevin J. Clevenger
Cost: $50. All tools and supplies will be provided by SHI.

This course covers the history, traditions, and use of rattles in Northwest Coast Indian art and culture with an emphasis on Tlingit sculptural style with the use of slides and texts for examples. In lab, the students will learn to use traditional tools and learn a series of steps with models representing each step in carving a rattle.

About the Instructor
Kevin J. Clevenger is a Tsimshian Artist/Carver, originally from Metlakatla but currently living in Ketchikan, AK. His direct carving teacher was Wayne Hewson, along with formline teachers Jack Hudson and Marvin Oliver. Kevin has been working on formline design since the 90s and has been carving since 2010.
